Saturday, May 9, 2009

should i b happy?

sometime when things doesn't go smooth as wat u hope,smtg unexpectation happens,wat would u do? i tot im a strong gal,i tot tat i can handle it no matter wat's the outcome. i tot tat i wont cry in front ppl anymore. but who knows... when things r destined 2 happen,u cant do anything but accept it. yeah,mayb tis is fate n destiny. i shouldn't b so greedy. but im x satisfy. tis is not wat i wan. 2 years! i'v been putting all my efforts in tis 2 years just 2 achieve tis dream.however,juz 1 second,my dream is not longer alive. sob. life is like tat,when u desire smtg,u gotta put a lot of efforts 2 do it,but the results is x guaranteed. there r not a must tat if u put many efforts,u sure wil get wat u wan. sometime v should c our luck. im trying 2 persuade myself 2 accept it. but it is in vain. the very thought saddened me. tears then welled in my eyes,cant stop sobbing. i think tat i deserve it,but how come?? y?? anyone can tell me?i wanna 2 study abroad,2 experience the western life style,their study life. n i'v been studying hard,aiming 2 get the scholarship. i tot im qualified 2 get the scholarship since i'v been performing well in academic n curricular activities. but nope! even u r the genius,u stil cant get everything u wan. mayb tis is a challenge,i should tell myself tis. as tis is wat god offer 2 me,i muz accept it. life is full of challenges. unhappiness is definitely wil occur,as time flies,everything wil b fine too. so,mayb studying local is a best choice oso,mayb i wil experience smtg indifferent.there r a lot of challenges n obstacles for me 2 overcome in the future. so,i should learn 2 b optimistic. even though unsatisfying,i should learn to ACCEPT it. all the best,wei day,u wil hav a chance 2 study overseas 1. tis is my next goal,performing well in academic when i enter university,n get a chance 2 apply any scholarship again. there r many ways for me. doors are always opened for me. the most important point is,i cant give up. i shouldn't give up. coz im x tat kind of ppl. im confident of myself. good luck^^

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