Monday, May 11, 2009

going to kolej matrikulasi pahang?

it's 930pm now. im packing my things now,in a rush,is going 2 pahang later.

i x feel like wanna going,dunno why.but then,if i din go,wat should i do? waiting for the outcomes of appeal without doing anything?everyone hav started studying. some enter college,some enter form six. they r entering the next stage in their bout me? i got no ideas. im confused. i dunno wat should i do next?at first,im delighted when i know tat im going 2 enter a new study life.but i feel unwell now. sigh~ wat should i do? wat should i do?

enter matrik? form six? o enter singapore uni? haiz..

anyway,i know tat i should enter matrikulasi asap. mum is out,going 2 buy a bus ticket and send me to pahang. i pity her. after tat,she gotta back alone. dad is not going with us. anyway,i'v used up to his attitude,happy-go-lucky type and tend to linger. procrastination is the thief of time,but seem like he doesn't know it. nvm,woman is always independent,woman still can survive without man. as such,my mum decide to go to pahang with me. just two of us.

i dunno wat should i pack,especially the attires. i got no ideas wat attires are allowed to wear there.i think i had packed everythings except clothes.waiting for the phone call from my friends,they had registered today morning.they are there now,listening the taklimat.

well,all the best to me. im going to matriculation. im going to study at pahang. let get everything started!! study spirit^^

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